Náš tým aktuálně pracuje na opravách lokalizace Mass Effect 1 včetně Pinnacle Station (video jste mohli najít před měsícem na mém Twitteru či na Facebooku). A náš programátor při tom narazil v souborech ME1 na zajímavé hodnoty: DLC_Caleston, DLC_Mars a DLC_UNC.
Velice zajímavé jsou zmínky o Marsu a planetě Caleston, která možná některým z vás není zcela neznámá. Původně totiž na této planetě mělo proběhnout první setkání s Liarou, což mělo vyústit v mnoho misí. Avšak z důvodů nedostatku času bylo mnoho z rozpracovaných částí planety zrušeno a čast byla následně přerecyklována na Therum.
Velice staré E3 demo dokonce zmiňovalo misi „zachraňte horníky“, avšak tyto mise nebyly nikdy nasktriptovány. Daná konverzace byla do dema dodána pouze za účelem předvedení konverzačního systému. Caleston je taktéž zmiňován v traileru „Distress Call“.
Původní plány umístily na Caleston lidskou težební stanici, která sloužila jako centrum, podobně jako Feros či Noveria. Mnoho architektonických prvků a modelů bylo následně recyklováno do DLC Bring Down the Sky (Strhněte oblohu), který má ve hře kódové označení DLC_UNC.
Do prvního dílu nám nedožili ani nathakové, mrchožrouti, kteří jsou několikrát zmíněni, ale nikdy se neukáží. Pravděpodobně žijí na Noverii. Konkrétně Lorik Qui’in se Shepardovi zmíní, že vně Port Hanshan není nic než sníh a nathakové. Taktéž zcestovalý Wrex zná nathaky, neboť o jednom mrtvém salarianovi prohlásí, že není třeba ho pohřbívat, protože ho sežerou nathakové. Nathakové měli vypadat podobně jako varreni a měli s nimi sdílet animace.
Další věcí, ktera padla pod stůl, aby se vynořila do ME3, je multiplayer – jeho první koncept můžeme vidět v single player DLC Pinnacle Station.
Ale to není vše. Mnohými hodně kritizovaná bisexualita hlavních postav v Mass Effect 3 byla původně plánovaná a dokonce i částečně udělaná již v prvním díle, ale ve finální hře není. Zajímavostí budiž, že na rozdíl od Kaidana je Ashley i ve trojce striktně hetero, ač v ME1 byla původně „obousměrná“. Další informace naleznete na anglických fórech.
Zdroj: vlastní + Wikia + Forum
Ty smazané scény škoda že je tam nedali, dolt smůla 🙁 🙁 🙁
Ale zaujal mne to DLC Mars třeba jsme tam měli navštívit archiv z ME3 🙂 🙂
Při vývoji každého příběhu vždy dojde v vystřižení jeho některých částí, protože se nehodí do děje, či se nestihne daná část dokončit. Týká se to knih, filmů a pochopitelně i na příběhu postavených her. Někdy se dozvíme, co tvůrci nakonec nepřidali, jindy o tom neuslyšíme. Já jsem rád, že v případě ME se o tom alespoň dozvíme.
Dekuji za odpověď. Já jsem samozřejmě také rád že jsme se to dozvěděli 🙂 ale i tak by to byl zajímavý zážitek 🙂 🙂
Zkopírováno z BioWare fóra:
I extracted some stuff from the Mass Effect 1 files that didn’t
appeared in the final game. Here are some assignments and codex
entries. I’ve never seen this posted anywhere before, and I wanted to
share it. Sorry if these are old news.
Cerberus Brainchild
Judging by the armor these dead men are wearing, this ship must belong to Cerberus.
Explore Ship
Find out what happened to the Cerberus soldiers.
co-ordinates from the ship’s captain have led you to this planet. It’s
possible the krogan cyborg you fought on the ship came from this planet.
Find out What Cerberus is Up To
Look for clues to the origins of the krogan cyborgs.
linked up with an Alliance Spy. Though she’s concerned about the krogan
cyborgs, she believes that’s the least of your worries. If she’s
correct, Cerberus is hiding an AI on a planet somewhere in this system.
Trace Transmitter Signals
Find each transmitter and trace the signal. When you’re done, contact Chiara.
Find the AI
Infiltrate the base on the moon and locate the AI.
Escape the Facility
Escape the facility and rendezvous with Chiara.
Complete (Option 1)
was using an AI to create the krogan cyborgs, but you took the AI’s
Blue Box and gave it to Chiara Rossi. Hopefully the Alliance will be
able to analyze it further to learn Cerberus‘ other plans.
Complete (Option 2)
was using an AI to create the krogan cyborgs, but you destroyed the AI
at it’s own request. Chiara Rossi has promised to relay the information
you uncovered to the Alliance.
Tombiri told you that Liara is being held by Smiley, a local salarian
drug lord. Unfortunately, Smiley is quite paranoid, and is sealed inside
the station’s former medical bay.
Talk to Sessa
Tombiri suggested you work with Sessa Tarrent to get at Smiley. Sessa
works for the Miners‘ Union, an organization which appears to have its
fingers in a number of unsavory pies. She can be found in the Refinery
Sessa Tarrent asked you to help her team destroy a cache
of Cartel drugs. They are at a test bore site outside the mining
station; exit through the garage below Throw Down Plaza.
Reporting In
The test bore site, and the Cartel’s drug cache, have been destroyed. Report back to Sessa Tarrent in the refinery.
destruction of the drug cache has drawn out Raciloma, the younger
brother of Smiley. He will meet to negotiate with Sessa in the shut-down
southern line of the refinery. Your team will precede them to the
meeting site, and prepare an ambush to kill Raciloma.
Confront Smiley
team and Sessa Tarrent have killed Raciloma. You now have a pass into
Smiley’s heavily guarded sanctum. Head to the former medical bay in
Throw Down Plaza.
been deceived; Smiley never had Liara. Administrator Tombiri has
secretly been running the Miners‘ Union. She lied to get you to
eliminate Smiley for her. It’s time to pay a little visit to the
Administration Office.
You’ve learned Liara’s current location from the criminals on Throw Down.
UNC: Stunt Club
discovered an interesting marker tucked away in a very difficult to
reach location. There is no indication who left it there, but it seems
to be set up as some sort of challenge.
Search for Markers
Find as many of these markers as you can.
You found all the markers set in the challenge.
Codex Entries
Aliens: Non-Sapient Creatures
are gigantic insects, easily distinguished by their long necks and
incredible size. The origin of these creatures is a mystery, though
recently they have begun to appear unexpectedly on multiple uncharted
worlds in the Attican Traverse.
Some have suggested they have
been in hibernation, and like locusts have emerged after a long period
of inactivity. Others point out that the bizarre morphology of
harvesters runs counter to known laws of adaptive evolution. Their
forward-loaded body and undersized wings suggest they were a product of
illegal genetic engineering.
Regardless of their origin,
harvesters are fast, efficient killers. They attack anything that enters
their territory with toxic venom and razor-sharp claws. Despite their
ungainly appearance, their exoskeletons can only be penetrated by heavy
weapons. Attacking them while in a vehicle is dangerous, attacking them
on foot is suicidal.
Citadel and Galactic Government
Citadel Station: Foundations
‚undersides‘ of the Wards, between the inhabited superstructures and
impenetrable outer hull, are called the Foundations. These dangerous
areas are filled with life support systems and power plants. Officially,
only the keepers are allowed in the Foundations. In reality, the
Foundations are the slums of the Citadel, home to criminals, minorities,
transients, and occasional ‚state-less‘ exiles. Some stay in the
Foundations of their own will. Others end up there when the
opportunities they sought in the Citadel do not come.
station’s recycling systems are located in the Foundations. These
manufacture a variety of artificial organic pastes that can be eaten for
sustenance. They are free and nutritious, but nearly tasteless and of
unpleasant texture. Poorer Citadel residents quickly become adept at
dressing up this bland fare with sauces and spices, while imported
foodstuffs are a popular luxury of the wealthy.
(Unnamed test codex entry)
This is a codex!
Please do what you’re told!
This is a bucket
Of water, ice-cold!
Please take this bucket
And pour it on me.
Don’t hesitate,
Do it A.S.A.P!
Here’s a string token. It should display the button currently mapped to fire your active weapon: %FIRE
Did it work? Let’s try the one for opening the orders wheel: %ORDERSWHEEL
To je skoro v kazdej hre,ze daco nie je vo finalnej verzii. Bud tlaci termin, dosli peniaze, je to umelo vybrate a predane neskor, alebo sa zmenil koncept hry a pokracuje sa po inej „linii“, ale rozne taketo „criepky“ v kode ostali a pod.
Ono, niekedy by ta hra hadam ani nevysla, keby tam chceli dat vsetko, co povodne mali v plane alebo o tom uvazovali.
Je škoda, že se takové věci nedostali do hry, určitě by to bylo velice zajímavé 🙂
Velice zajimavé.. Hlavně ten první obrázek na mě zapůsobil, rád bych se do té kolonie podíval 🙁 Každopádně dobrá práce 🙂
Do článku dodány informace o mrchožroutech – nathakové.
A zde je několik textů z ME1, který se vztahují právě k Marsu. V české verzi se texty nevyskytují a proto nejsou přeloženy.
— Bonestell Platform —
Bonestell Mars Observation Platform was built in 2150, with major funding provided by the national space agencies of the United States and Japan. It is currently administered by the Systems Alliance, which assumed control of all Martian interface facilities in 2163. The SA is now solely responsible for the security of Mars‘ Prothean excavation sites.
Bonestell Platform maintains an orbit that keeps it on the opposite side of the planet from the natural satellite of Deimos. That moon has been built up as a communications hub and shipping port. Bonestell serves the same communications role on the hemisphere of Mars facing away from Deimos. Since all commercial traffic is channeled through the security checkpoints on Deimos, Bonestell lacks significant port facilities.
— Mars —
Once considered a prospect for terraforming and colonization, the discovery of faster than light travel turned Mars into a quiet backwater. Its southern pole is a historical preserve centered on the Prothean ruins found there. Immigration and development are restricted as the search for Prothean artifacts continues.
Colony Founded: 2103
Population: 3.4 million
Capital: Lowell City
Orbital Distance: 1.52 AU
Orbital Period: 1.88 Earth Years
Radius: 3402 km
Day Length: 24.6 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.06 Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: -138 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 0.38 G
— Deimos —
The larger of Mars‘ two tiny moons has been built up as an orbital port. Initially developed by a consortium of European and Russian commercial backers, administration was handed over to the Systems Alliance in 2163.
Today Deimos serves as an entrepot for cargo moving to and from the surface, as well as a customs inspection and medical quarantine for immigrants and visitors. All departures from Mars must pass through Deimos‘ screening facilities; given the possibility of private explorers discovering Prothean artifacts, all baggage undergoes a thorough inspection.
The Systems Alliance 1st Fleet, nominally based in Arcturus, maintains a cruiser squadron and frigate flotilla at Deimos. They are tasked with protecting the Prothean ruins and assisting customs enforcement.
Founded: 2124
Population: 2700 permanent residents
Capital: Asaph Hall Gateway Facility
Orbital Distance: 23,460 km (from Mars)
Orbital Period: 30.2 Earth Hours
Mean Radius: 6.3 km
Day Length: 30.2 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: Trace
Surface Temperature: -40 Celsius